About Platform Y

    We developed The Platform for you, the ones who represent Generation Y. We believe in your ability to move things, to get involved, responsibly and creatively, in solving new challenges.

    Young people interested in the local business environment and the economic situation of Romania, who are not afraid to express their vision, are invited to submit articles that can turn weaknesses into opportunities.

    We are not looking for specific business ideas, but to encourage you to believe more in your own strength and abilities. The business environment in Romania needs fresh perspectives, it needs You, the generation Yes We Can!

    Platform Y is where courage and good ideas are valued and rewarded.

    Please read the entire contest regulation carefully

    Am dezvoltat acest proiect în parteneriat cu AIESEC, singura organizație apolitică, globală, independentă, non-profit, condusă de studenți sau proaspăt absolvenți ai instituțiilor de învățământ superior, interesați de leadership, management și probleme globale.

    Vezi premiile